
Without Exception is a network of Catholic professionals who work in high school education and other related fields of ministry. This group exists not to challenge the teachings of the Catholic Church but to learn what it means for LGBTQ+ persons to feel welcome and cared for in Catholic schools. Jesus Christ invites us all to live as joyful witnesses.

While chastity is the counsel for all teens, our ministry is more broadly focused on the universal call to holiness and living our baptismal promise to share in the life of Christ, who was anointed Priest, Prophet, and King. As missionary disciples we seek to encounter, accompany, build community, and send the next generation to minister God's healing touch of love to all whom we meet on this journey of life.  All children are welcome in our schools. Jesus said, "The Kingdom of God belongs to such as these" (Lk 18:16).

Through a mailing list and other means of networking remotely and in person, Without Exception shares wisdom and resources to build knowledge and skills in Christ-centered Catholic ministry to LGBTQ+ persons.